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Demand Generation Initiatives Managed
Via Our Own Team.
NO Outsourcing.

We outsource nothing. With our own brand management team, design team, and traditional / digital marketing teams; we are able to generate consumer demand for your products with the same intensity as you would in your own country.

Corlison Corporate Development Store

Our brand managers can work to come up with original and new campaigns or work with yours to adapt and localize your ideas with the key objective of getting consumers to either switch from whatever they are buying to your product or buy more of your product.

All our campaigns are always fully integrated to include traditional and digital mediums and also include response mechanisms to measure their success.

Be it broadcast, print, outdoor, digital or even direct mailing, our team will be able to develop a schedule for advertising that integrates with below the line in-store promotional activities to deliver maximum returns.

Our digital team develops e-stores/web sites, facebook sites, youtube channels, twitter etc digital channels to keep your brand interacting with your customers 24/7.

In addition, they also manage facebook marketing campaigns, buy relevant google adword/network placements, work with bloggers and online influencers etc to ensure consumers talk about and want to know more about your brand and what it stands for.

Monthly reports via analytics on general or campaign based metrics like unique visits, people talking about, retweets, emails opened/links clicked and of course items sold via the store can be presented at any time.

From price offs to bundled packs to cross-marketing across own variants or partner brands, we not only can come up with the plan together with retail chain managers/supervisors but our own team will implement them as well. From dressing up top shelf displays to block stacks to shelf talkers and wobblers, our merchandisers are up to the task.

With our own design team, we are able to develop collaterals and materials to fit local market and retailer requirements including display stands, shelf talkers, posters, brochures/leaflets and even to pop up stores.

“Flat” collaterals can also be produced internally, in any quantity and with immediacy through our collection of small to large format printers.

We can work with various charitable organizations or groups on programmes to ensure your brand stays true to a cause you support. And we ensure that consumers know about these endeavours via the many traditional and digital platforms we manage to ensure that resultant goodwill translates to brand loyalty and association.